
What modulates our Sun? The majority of science work on the principle that the Sun is self modulating and each solar cycle is a product of a random number generator. There are others that suspect the Sun is modulated by the planets with a special emphasis on Uranus & Neptune. Thanks to Carl Smith who has recently left us we have new knowledge that significantly adds to Jose, Landscheidt & CharvĂ tovĂ 's work.

Geoff Sharp

July 2011 News


SDO Sunspot

A reasonably active finish to month end, only 1260 showing signs of fading. The DSN value is still approaching SC24 highs. My new NH winter forecast HERE.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1260      7797 (8531)
64% (69%)
1261 6971 (5586) 65% (63%)
1263 8972 (6514) 68% (64%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
116.2 (115.2) 10914 (9452) 2011/07/31 04:00

SDO Sunspot

All 3 regions increasing in size and darkness today. The DSN value is now approaching SC24 highs. My new NH winter forecast HERE.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1260      8531 (6924)
69% (68%)
1261 5586 (4222) 63% (61%)
1263 6514 (4075) 64% (62%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
115.2 (110.7) 9452 (6796) 2011/07/30 04:00

SDO Sunspot

Another uptick in area day. The DSN value strong but a fair way short of March 8th 2011 at 11574. The north is continuing to dominate.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1260      6924 (5045)
68% (69%)
1261 4222 (3495) 61% (66%)
1263 4075 (958) 62% (58%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
110.7 (102.5) 6796 (4499) 2011/07/29 04:00

SDO Sunspot

A bit lift in growth today with another new region joining. Yesterdays growing area on the telescope fading to nothing. F10.7 values are not available as yet.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1260      5045 (1827)
69% (65%)
1261 3495 (2117) 66% (68%)
New 958 58%
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
102.5 (96.4) 4499 (1960) 2011/07/28 04:00

SDO Sunspot

Yesterdays minor activity has grown. 2 regions counting with another region just missing out. Later viewings of the small region on the Wolf handheld replica telescope suggesting more growth to come.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1260      1827 (1078)
65% (72%)
1261 2117 68%
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
96.4 (89.8) 1960 (644) 2011/07/27 04:00

SDO Sunspot

The expected minor activity has surfaced to spoil our little party. The spoiler is quite dark once again showing no lack of magnetic strength. I expect many more spotless days over the next 2 decades.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1260      1078
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
89.8 (88.9) 644 (100) 2011/07/26 04:00

SDO Sunspot

Day 2 spotless with the new areas rotating onto the face at this stage proving to be very weak. F10.7 flux falling below 90 again. A slow end to month should provide a weakening trend to the overall picture.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
88.9 (91.1) 100 (171) 2011/07/25 04:00

SDO Sunspot

Another spotless day locked in for 2011, with perhaps many more to come. The run might not last with some activity on the cards tomorrow showing on Stereo Behind.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
91.1 (95.4) 171 (617) 2011/07/24 04:00

SDO Sunspot

Solar activity fading significantly with 2 groups counting. There is a reasonable chance of tomorrow being spotless. Stereo Behind showing only minor future activity at this stage.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1254 548 (1540) 61% (64%)
1259 588 (1347) 67% (58%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
95.4 (99.1) 617 (1475) 2011/07/23 04:00

SDO Sunspot

Overall activity taking a hit today, 1251/54 dropping off dramatically with 1259 growing slightly. The DSN values telling the story this year. F10.7 flux falling under 100.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1251 671 (1083) 53% (51%)
1254 1540 (2784) 64% (62%)
1259 1347 (1227) 58% (59%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
99.1 (103.4) 1475 (2074) 2011/07/22 04:00

SDO Sunspot

Minor growth experienced today, with the same 3 groups counting. 1254 continues to grow but falling back on the darkness scale. The solar wind above average levels experienced recently.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1251 1083 (1391) 51% (52%)
1254 2784 (2569) 62% (65%)
1259 1227 (801) 59% (54%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
103.4 (103.6) 2074 (2011) 2011/07/21 04:00

SDO Sunspot

1254 growing but overall another decline with 3 groups counting. Some recovery on the darkness scale. Stereo B showing minor activity in the north approaching. The south remaining weak.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1251 1391 (1734) 52% (49%)
1254 2569 (1570) 65% (64%)
1259 801 (464) 54% (51%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
103.6 (105.3) 2011 (2088) 2011/07/20 04:00


SDO Sunspot

A drop in area today with 4 groups counting. 1056 once again fails the 24 hr rule and is not counted(in total). Darkness taking a dive.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1251 1734 (1872) 49% (55%)
1254 1570 (1019) 64% (58%)
1257 1041 (1864) 49 (58%)
1259 464 51%
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
105.3 (107.0) 2088 (2394) 2011/07/19 04:00

SDO Sunspot

Some growth today with 5 groups counted. NOAA/SIDC will be more

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1250 729 (1482) 51% (57%)
1251 1872 (2217) 55% (57%)
1254 1019 (787) 58% (68%)
1256 486 65%
1257 1864 (626) 58 (76%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
107.0 (96.9) 2484 (2394) 2011/07/18 04:00

SDO Sunspot

At 84% darkness the Sun is showing us the magnetic output is climbing towards cycle max...not dropping as others might proclaim.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1250 2070 (2202) 56% (60%)
1251 2542(2465) 63% (51%)
1254 435 (349) 73% (68%)
New 379 84%
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
96.9 (97.2) 2394 (2336) 2011/07/16 04:00

SDO Sunspot

Bumping along the bottom is the only description of the current solar status. Stereo B not providing much incentive, the Landscheidt Minimum is beginning to stake its claim?

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1250 2202 (2502) 60% (58%)
1251 2465(2008) 51% (65%)
1254 349 68%
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
97.2 (97.7) 2336 (2106) 2011/07/15 04:00

SDO Sunspot

A moderate rise in overall area today with some new specks not making the grade. July is almost at the halfway point with nothing major to report in the way of activity. The weakness continues.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1250 2502 (2213) 59% (57%)
1251 2008 (1597) 65% (58%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
97.7 (94.7) 2106 (1629) 2011/07/14 04:00

SDO Sunspot

A small rise in total area today but an overall reduction in darkness leading to the DSN falling. 1247 fading away but the remaining regions should last longer.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1250 2213 (2114) 57% (59%)
1251 1597 (1041) 58% (57%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
94.7 (93.1) 1629 (1639) 2011/07/13 04:00

SDO Sunspot

Solar output continues to be weak. 1247 dropping off quickly with 1249 failing the 24 hour rule and is not counted today or yesterday. 

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1247 366 (1018)
68% (67%)
1250 2114 (1617) 59% (61%)
1251 1041 (378) 57% (55%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
93.1 (93.7) 1639 (1663) 2011/07/12 04:00

SDO Sunspot

The expected rise occurring but somewhat more subdued than expected, F10.7 still low.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1247 1018 (1070)
67% (65%)
1249 356 80%
1250 1617 61%
New 378 55%
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
93.7 (88.5) 1663 (864) 2011/07/11 04:00

SDO Sunspot

Two regions counting today with another missing out, a small rise in total area. Some new activity expected soon. A new updated PDO report HERE.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1245 411 (492)
76% (66%)
1247 1070 (684) 65% (73%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
??? (???) 864 (585) 2011/07/10 05:30

SDO Sunspot

Two regions counting today but activity still very low. Some new activity expected soon. A new updated PDO report HERE.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1245 492 (382)
66% (59%)
1247 684 73%
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
88.5 (88.4) 585 (441) 2011/07/09 04:00

SDO Sunspot

Plenty of specks to count today but only one (just) making the grade. The LSC count today will be very different to those who insist on counting specks. A new updated PDO report HERE.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1245 382
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
88.4 (87.5) 441 (353) 2011/07/08 04:00

SDO Sunspot

Solar activity taking another dive today, Stereo Behind is suggesting we might have some larger activity in around a week. Some confusing signs on what form of ENSO will develop for the coming NH winter. A new PDO report HERE.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1243 746 (1582) 60% (58%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
87.5 (87.7) 353 (763) 2011/07/07 04:00

SDO Sunspot

Only one region counting today as 1244 fails to pass the threshold. Meanwhile the SE corner of Australia is being hammered by a large low pressure and a cold Antarctic jet stream. Plus a new PDO report HERE.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1243 1582 (1717) 58% (48%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
87.7 (87.9) 763 (851) 2011/07/06 04:00

SDO Sunspot

An unusual day today. Overall a fair drop in activity. Region 1243 growing again but the darkness ratio dropping to an extreme low of 48%. 1244 reducing by more than 50% in size. Solar stagnation? A new PDO report HERE.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1243 1717 (1424) 48% (60%)
1244 639 (1597) 62% (69%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
87.9 (89.2) 851 (1390) 2011/07/05 04:00

SDO Sunspot

A small revival today but nothing special.  1244 growing with 1243 holding its own. F10.7 levels are still sub 90, it might be well over a week before we see anything happening looking at Stereo B.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1243 1424 (1475) 60% (59%)
1244 1597 (438) 69% (64%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
89.2 (88.5) 1390 (798) 2011/07/04 04:00

SDO Sunspot

Overall activity on the decline today but 2 regions making the grade. 1243 dropping now with 1244 subject to the 24 hr rule. Recent spots on the whole are not long lived. F10.7 flux falling below 90 once again. 

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1243 1475 (1988) 59% (59%)
1244 438 64%
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
88.5 (90.5) 798 (968) 2011/07/03 04:00

SDO Sunspot

Region 1243 growing today but everything else is on the slide. The June figures are in with the LSC at 23.9, SIDC 37 and NOAA at 55.5(prov). SC24 continuing to show little strength along with the SIDC continuing to overcount compared with NOAA.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1243 1988 (1085) 59% (66%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
90.5(92.2) 968 (1122) 2011/07/02 04:00

SDO Sunspot

3 groups today but an overall drop in activity today (only 2 groups passing). Region 1242 dropping off quickly but demonstrating high magnetic strength again as we approach cycle max.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1242 971 (2141) 72% (71%)
1243 1085 66%
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
92.2 (90.3) 1122 (1202) 2011/07/01 04:00


Many thanks go to Carl's brother Dave for providing the Domain, Server and Software.